Founded by Professor and Lawyer Giusella Finocchiaro, Full Professor of Private Law at the University of Bologna and President of the Working Group on electronic commerce of the United Nations from 2014 to 2022, the Law Firm, based in Bologna and Milan, has consolidated a wide range of professional expertise in the different branches of Civil Law, Information Technology Law and Internet Law, thus aiming to offer a full spectrum outlook on the legal issues related to information technology.

Based on a successful experience in legal assistance to clients such as prominent companies, public bodies, health care providers and consultancy companies, the Law Firm has all the necessary expertise to efficiently and professionally address the most complex legal issues, both at a national and an international level.

Giusella Finocchiaro has combined professional practice with lecturing at the University of Bologna since 1987. Over the years, her publications have offered a significant contribution to national and international debate in the field of ICT Law and data protection.

The Law Firm is also committed to organising international conferences and courses and has a prestigious international reputation, as highlighted by our counselling activities in various EU Commission projects, our cooperation with other European law firms, our ties with study groups at international Universities and our participation in prominent international congresses.

Business-oriented approach

The founders’ well-established experience in legal practice and in serving national and international institutions enables them to provide a bespoke, business-oriented service

High quality service

At the heart of its mission is the delivery of high quality services with the aim not only of advising clients and guiding them towards the right choices, but also providing regular support in decision-making processes with a strategic long-term vision

Business-oriented approach

The founders’ well-established experience in legal practice and in serving national and international institutions enables them to provide a bespoke, business-oriented service

High quality service

At the heart of its mission is the delivery of high quality services with the aim not only of advising clients and guiding them towards the right choices, but also providing regular support in decision-making processes with a strategic long-term vision


Opportunity for clients to draw on a large network of highly renowned counsel, both in-house and externally


Professional activity on a national and international scale by lawyers with a full professional command of English, with experience also in French

Public affairs

Opportunities to liaise with institutions thanks the founder’ frequent involvement in scientific and educational activities: interaction with independent administrative authorities (e.g., AGCOM, AGCM, Data Protection Authority), governmental offices and the European Commission


Ability to identify and pre-empt policy guidelines and possible regulatory developments thanks to ongoing contact with policy makers and stakeholders, favoured by the founders’ involvement in study committees and working groups. This also enables the development of a particular sensitivity to the needs and perspectives of the main market players