The professionals at Finocchiaro Law Firm have the ideal skillset for dealing with the complex nature of challenges and issues that are relevant in the information technology sector


An open-minded approach that is not limited to individual issues and contingencies, but extends to full-spectrum consultancy on an ongoing basis


Well-established experience in working for international clients


Team-working as a distinctive feature


Well-established educational approach based on the founder’ long-standing experience


Variety of expertise


Knowledge of the market and operators as a distinguishing trait aimed at fostering a greater understanding of clients’ needs and the provision of bespoke services


Young professionals (almost all under 40) making up a highly diverse team

Continuous learning process

Legal advisory services as an opportunity for in-depth study and research: ongoing process

Founding partner

The Finocchiaro Law Firm collaborates with a select group of professionals, specialized in different branches of Private Law, Computer Law and Internet Law, under the supervision of Professor Giusella Finocchiaro.
